Olive Branch Ministry is an extension of God’s goodwill towards our church members and guests of Piedmont Park.
Olive Branch Ministry’s service is to provide and place food items into the Piedmont Food Cupboard located in the Coat Room off of the main lobby as well as to provide donations to the Lincoln Little Free Pantry network.
Olive Branch Ministry is supported solely by monetary and/or item donations. If you wish to help by giving a monetary donation please put you cash or check in a tithe envelope marked Piedmont Food Cupboard or Little Free Pantries.
Piedmont Food Cupboard
*items are FREE to you
*always open when the church is open
*grocery bags in drawer for your convenience
*please be KIND; take only what you need, leave a blessing for others
*if you have some, give some; if you need some, take some
Along with the food items we send our prayers and best wishes.
Items are delivered to the Lincoln Little Free Pantry Network and then distributed throughout the pantries in various neighborhoods in Lincoln.
Ministry Management by Themes of Hope Sabbath School
Contact: Renee Schaecher, reneesch13@gmail.com, 402-580-4015
The United States Department of Agriculture defines food insecurity as ‘limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.’
When a person is food insecure, they lack consistent and reliable access to enough food to live an active and healthy lifestyle.